<aside> 💬 The current state of drone use in emergency care faces some difficulties. The first are technological constraints such as flying stability, weight, flight time, range, machine learning integration, detection of obstructions and other aircraft, and emergency landing procedures. The current market, on the other hand, is addressing these limitations with new models, advancements, and equipment specifications. Aside from that, there are a number of domains that have an impact on this developing field, including the industry's legal framework, interactions with privacy issues, safety, viability in various aerial situations, cost and maintenance, and end user experiences and expectations.


https://www.dovepress.com/impact-of-using-drones-in-emergency-medicine-what-does-the-future-hold-peer-reviewed-fulltext-article-OAEM#:~:text=Hospitals have begun using drones,or areas with poor infrastructure.